Becoming A BYOTA Approved Restaurant
Our motto at BYOTA is Live Life, Live Free, Live BYOTA….it’s a lifestyle that is lived encompassing many of our unique brands.
Open your door to our lifestyle by becoming a BYOTA Approved Restaurant and receive the opportunity to grow your marketing exposure. It takes a certain standard of excellence to be able to call yourself a BYOTA Approved Restaurant and not all establishments will meet or exceed our requirements.
Our approval process will consist of one of our representatives evaluating your facilities, staff and products based on our BYOTA standards criteria that will be turned over to you for review.
Once approved, you will be marketed on one of the most innovative websites on the market. Your restaurant will have a BYOTA approved Restaurant sticker applied to your window or door, you will receive online exposure on BYOTA TV, and our other social media resources, be marketed within our network of our many agents/ marketers/ clients and the public as a recipient of our prestigious group of BYOTA Approved Restaurants, you may even be offered the privilege of having your chef showcased on our TV!
Live Life, Live Free, Live BYOTA today!